
February - June 2020

The SmartLab

For my graduation project I did my internship at the SmartLab in the Basalt rehabilitation center in The Hague. The goal of this project was to design a website for FieldLab to increase the involvement with the target group.

My role

  • Design Research
  • Visual Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • User Testing

The problem

As a living lab the SmartLab is always open for new ideas, but it's for the Basalt care workers unclear how this can be used, what the services of SmartLab are and where they can go. Because the care workers does not find it clear, they are less likely to become involved in the services of the SmartLab and FieldLab.

Target group: Basalt care workers

What does the user want?

During the interviews and from the results of surveys, it's stated that the Basalt care workers doesn't have much time during their work to read a lof of information. To make the information on the website easy to scan I used a clear visual hierarchy in the design. As tool I used Adobe Xd to make the wireframes, mockups and prototype.


Usability test

I organised a usability test to validate my design with the user. De most important insights are:

  • The website looks clear to the user. It works intuitive.
  • Too much focus on the innovation proces. Not everyone is interested in that.
  • Not clear you can scroll through some pages. Important content is overlooked.
  • Not convinced to send a new idea to the SmartLab.
  • There is no information about the SmartLab it self.

The result

With the most important insights from the usability test I made some changes in the design. Using visual hierarchy in the design all the information about the SmartLab and her services are structured. This makes it possible for the Basalt care workersto easily search for information they're looking for. It's even possible to send health innovation ideas to the SmartLab.

Go to the SmartLab website prototype

Tools: Adobe Xd.