
About me

📖 Never stop learning

I challenge myself to learn new things. I reguarly read blogs about the current design trends or take part in design/art challenges.

🎨 24/7 a creative busy bee

When I'm not designing, I'm working on my illustrations and hand lettering skills. Next to this I also love to play games as the Sims 4 and League of Legends.

💻 Quality before quantity

At the start of each new assigment I first make a plan with realistic goals for myself. This helps me deliver the beste results.

Fun facts about me

  • ☕ I love to drink tea. Coffee as well.
  • 🍣 I love to eat sushi.
  • 🎀 I have a weakness for cute things.
  • 😻 I'm a cat person.
  • 📝 I love to make to-do lists.