
September - November 2018

Redesign of Mijn ANWB

During the minor Designing for User Experience I worked with three other students on a project for the ANWB. It was for the ANWB unclear how they can create more customer satisfaction and loyalty through an omnichannel selfserive for long-term. The consequence of that is that the ANWB doesn't know what the user experience is on the Mijn ANWB dashboard.

My role

  • Design Research
  • Visual Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • User Testing


The goal of this project is to give ANWB the insight how they can improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty for long-term through using a omnichannel selfservice. It's also important to look into the user needs and the expected experience for the Mijn ANWB dashboard.

Insights from the user

  • Used for adjusting personal information or viewing of invoices.
  • No obvious difference between the websit and Mijn ANBWN.
  • Only wants to receive relevant information.
  • User never books a vacation at ANWB.

What are the user needs?

What are the expectations on the MijnANWB dashboard?

What is the MijnANWB being used for now?

Co-Creation session

As a team we organised a co-creation session with the design team of ANWB. For this session we used 'booking a vacation' as focus point. During the brainstorm session we thought about some ideas and concepts. To prioritize all the ideas we used a priority matrix.

How realistic are the ideas?


Concepting and Storyboard

With the ideas from the co-creation session we designed a concept. The focus of our concept is offering relevant information to the user. With customised personal preferences relevant information are being offered to the user.

To visualise the concept a storyboard has been made. I was responsible for drawing out the concept.I did this on my iPad in Adobe Draw.



With the design principles and branding guide of ANWB we made a redesing of the Mijn ANWB page. For the design we used Sketch. After that we also made the design interactive. This made it possible to test the design with our target group. For prototyping we used InVision.

Together with a classmate I was responsible for designing the onboarding and several other pages of the dashboard.

Tools: Sketch andInVision

Usability Testing

As a team we organised a usability test with the design team of ANWB and the target group. The insights we obtained from the multiple tests were collected. To organise all the insights, we decided to make a clear overview of all the results. De testresultaten zijn per pagina beschreven.

Six people were gathered for the usabilty test. When there are 5 people it already shows a pattern(Nielsen, 2000).
